Do you need a personal trainer or nutritionist?

When you’re looking to upgrade your fitness and health, it’s common to look into working with a personal trainer or a nutritionist. But is this really the best path for weight loss and better physical wellness?

It depends on how much your trainer or nutrition guru is actually COACHING YOU!

There is a sub-par personal trainer in Nashville on every street corner. All of them can make you tired. But are they making you better? Are they coaching you through the process of making your body work better and feel better, based on YOUR abilities and YOUR preferences and YOUR real life? Or are you just praying for death halfway through another workout?

Everyone knows that a nutritionist will talk to you about healthy eating choices, and probably give you a meal plan. But more knowledge and more meal plans will NOT deliver long-term weight loss. You know what you should eat. You’re just not doing it. Getting a handout from a dietician will not change that. Trying to stick to a weight loss meal plan for more than 2 weeks is rough. Why? Because meal plans don’t take YOU into account.

In order to really change — to change for good — you need a coach to help you strategize ways to implement new habits.

Looking at a long list of nutrition improvements won’t give you that.

Getting your ass kicked in a group exercise class 3 times per week won’t give you that either.

A quality coach will help you:

  • Get the biggest impact from your efforts. You and your coach will decide on one (or maybe two) improvements, upgrades, or modifications that will move the needle the most right away. You can’t stick to 20 changes at once. No one can. Finding The Most Important Thing will get you maximum results while focusing on just one thing.
  • Embrace Imperfection. It’s ok not to eat perfectly all the time. We don’t ask anyone to do that. And even if we did, who could? And who would want to live like that even if you could? Powerful change happens with consistency, not perfection. And your coach will help you stay consistent. Accountability is one of the most important tools in your change toolbox.
  • Find Your Balancing Act. To stay consistent, you’ll need to balance your time and energy. A good coach will work out a realistic system that fits into your actual life. We specialize in helping people fit exercise and healthy nutrition into crazy schedules, stressful jobs and family life, and…well, real life.
  • Mindset Training. Habits become habits just as much because of how we think as what we repeatedly do. In order to transform your body and lifestyle, you need to transform how you think about food, stress, and self-care. Your coach will work with you to help reframe your relationship with food and how you have historically gone about weight loss attempts.

Image this:

  • A personalized path to making improvements in your eating, and improvements in your body with the ideal exercise system for YOUR specific needs.
  • Realistic “most of the time” nutrition targets. So you can still have your chocolate and wine!
  • Daily accountability. You’ll have your very own coach in your corner every day. The one who knows you. And your habits. And your life. Real-time support, with consistent feedback and suggestions. You won’t get THAT from an app!
  • Celebrating your wins. Your coach is your partner, your workout buddy, your nutrition accountability friend. They walk the path with you every day, and we celebrate your wins and milestones with you too!

The right coach is so much more than a personal trainer or a nutritionist. Having the right coach is a game-changer.

Ready to try it out?

Just drop us a note and we’ll book a time to talk.