We have a personal training client who is making astounding changes in her body and her lifestyle
(I’m going to call her Denise to protect her privacy)
And I want to share the steps she’s taking that have yielded such an amazing transformation with YOU so that you can change your body too!
First, her background:
Getting a coach from Basics and Beyond fitness & nutrition was FAR from her first attempt at self-improvement.
Denise’s history includes:
- A gym membership (that she never used): “I found it intimidating, and didn’t know what to do when I was there. So I never ended up going.”
- Fitness classes: “I’d miss a class because I had to work late. That would snowball into missing a whole week, then eventually I just stopped going all together.”
Oh, and all the diets Denise has tried:
“I’ve tried many different popular diets, tracking all my food intake, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc. Nothing stuck.
Back then I had an all-or-nothing mentality with anything nutrition-related. A single slip made me feel like a complete failure. Then I’d then give up and go right back to my old eating habits.”
So that’s the OLD Denise. Here’s how the NEW Denise achieved such great success (these are the things YOU can do):
5 Steps To Changing Your Body
1) Denise began putting on her own oxygen mask first.
“Prior to coaching, I prioritized everything else before me. Taking care of work, family, friends — everything except myself. This led to long hours, lots of stress, poor eating habits, bad sleep. I used to justify it as some kind of Greater Good, because I was helping people. And I always used to identify myself as “the one who sacrifices.”
But today I have more energy and resilience, so I can actually help others MORE than before I adopted a healthier lifestyle!”
Airlines always remind us that in an emergency, we need to put our oxygen masks on first, before we start helping others. We can’t help anyone else if we’re suffocating!
2) Denise still allows herself some treats.
Healthy eating doesn’t mean we have to eliminate every single treat from our lives.
With our nutrition coaching philosophy, as long as we have the foundation in place (protein + plant combinations, a big variety of veggies, enough water, etc.) a daily treat is fine. Even beneficial for your mental state!
3) Denise plans her meals and snacks.
“I’ll put on a podcast and spend a bit of time on Sunday pre-chopping everything and prepping containers that are easy to grab when I’m busy.”
Some of Denise’s go-to meals include:
- Scrambled eggs with vegetables for breakfast.
- Mixed green salad with chicken or turkey for lunch.
- Greek yogurt with almonds for an afternoon snack.
“I’m SO glad I started the practice of Meal Prep Sunday, because it saves me so much time!”
Did you hear that? Planning and prepping meals SAVES YOU TIME.
4) She achieves more by changing LESS.
Denise says she was surprised how easy the coaching process has been:
“I always had it in my head that it’s a struggle to lose weight. That it means giving up all good food and sacrificing my free time. That I’d just have to suffer through everything.
But my coach really focused on working together to implement small changes slowly over time, so it never felt like I was drastically changing anything. He helped show me how to make the good things easier, and the less healthy things harder.”
(Easier like meal prepping, Harder like keeping junk food out of sight in the pantry)
“Looking back, those small things have added up to a complete lifestyle change that I never would have thought possible. Yet it felt natural and easy.”
One habit at a time will rewire your brain! Trying to change everything at once doesn’t work.
5) Denise stopped trying to do everything herself and got help.
“The most powerful investment you can make is in yourself.
I really think that’s true after seeing the change coaching has made in my life over the past year.
We’ve made gradual but permanent changes that will last a lifetime, and that would NEVER have happened by myself.
To have the support, and to know that there is someone who genuinely wants to see me succeed and will cheer me on – is invaluable.
It’s also sparked a real desire to keep changing and pushing myself, and that has extended into many other aspects of my life.”
The Next Step To Changing Your Body
So there they are, 5 steps you can take to make YOUR OWN transformation for changing your body.
And when you want to win with the coaching process that Denise got, just send us a message and we’ll set a time to talk.
Personal training, nutrition coaching, and lifestyle strategizing are how we help people just like you achieve amazing results!